The summer survey period for quail and turkey begins on July 1 and the SCDNR would love your help in counting birds across the state. Anyone that is out in the woods, fields and on rural roads around this state during the summer months that can identify and differentiate wild turkey hens, poults and gobblers or adult & juvenile bobwhite quail is well qualified to collect survey data. Keep in mind that this is simply a passive observational survey that is conducted incidental to your normal daily activities.
If you'd like to help, all you have to do is download a survey sheet (see below) and follow these guidelines:
The survey period is July 1 - August 29.
Record observations from only one county on each survey form. If you see turkeys in more than one county use a separate survey form for each county.
Record each sighting or group of turkeys as a separate observation. Do not combine all the turkeys you see in a day or on multiple days into one observation.
Try to avoid repeatedly recording what you believe are the same turkeys in the same area.
Be sure to record hens that do not have poults in addition to hens that do have poults. This is very important in determining the overall reproductive success in turkeys.
Recording gobblers & jakes is also very important as it helps us determine our sex ratio and goes into a formula for estimating overall turkey populations.
Please record any quail sightings in addition to turkeys.
Completed survey forms may be e-mailed to, or mailed to the following address no later than September 12: SCDNR Summer Turkey Survey P.O. Box 167 Columbia, SC 29202.
These surveys help assess management efforts and direct resources toward needed areas. The people who help counts birds, the more accurate the survey and the more effective habitat management will be in the coming year.