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Prescribed Fire and Bobwhites

Humans have used fire to manage the landscape for 1.6 million years for a reason. It's inexpensive, accessible, and highly effective. ​Used on a piece of land every 2-3 years, it keeps the understory in the early successional habitat that quail thrive in. And anyone can learn how to do it safely.

Why is prescribed fire so useful?

Years of news reports about wildfires burning out of control in the West have left people leery of intentionally setting their land on fire, but with the proper training, these risks can be minimized to the point that burning is as safe as other methods of creating and maintaining habitat.


Hundreds of thousands of acres are successfully burned each year in South Carolina without incident by landowners who are trained and supported by experienced fire professionals.

But what about the risks?

Our partners conduct numerous seminars and learn to burn days every year for people of all experience levels. These events provide hands-on training in everything from planning to prep to burning to risk management. ****Contact who for more info? Rusty*****


Additionally, there are several prescribed fire co-ops (**Link here to article?**) in the state where landowners help each other burn, sharing experience, tools, and expertise with the group:


Piedmont Prescribed Fire Cooperative

Fairfield, Laurens, Newberry, Spartanburg, Union Counties

contact Cole Shealy ( or Jake McClain (412-298-0671 or

Facebook @ppfcooperative


Broad River Burn Cooperative

Cherokee, Chester, Lancaster, York Counties

contact Drew Conner (803-517-6975 or

Facebook @broadriverprescribedfire


How do I get started burning on my land?

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