Public Bird Dog Training Areas in SC
The SC Department of Natural Resources has opened five Public Bird Dog Training Areas around the state where hunters can legally train their dogs. You must have a valid SC hunting license with a WMA permit.
Several additional guidelines apply:
Training may only take place between September 15 and March 15 (excluding Sundays)
Dog trainers may release and take pen-raised quail or pigeons for training purposes, only within the areas designated by posted signs reading “Bird Dog Training Area”. Specific boundaries of the Bird Dog Training Area are delineated on maps within the kiosks located at the WMA parking areas and are well marked with signage like the one to the right.
It is unlawful to take game by any means (other than released quail or pigeons) within the bird dog training areas, except during the lawful open seasons for such game.
Participants in dog training may not possess any firearms or other equipment for taking game except handguns or shotguns with blank cartridges, or shotguns with number 8 shot or smaller may be used while training dogs using pen-raised quail or pigeons.
All participants in bird dog training must wear a hat, coat or vest of solid visible international orange.

Below are links to maps of the training areas with directions. Look for the bird dog icon on each map for the specific part of the WMA where bird dog training is allowed.